Education refers to the all round development of the students. Education is incomplete until there is an all round development of the student. All-round development includes physical development, mental development, economic development, social development and spiritual development of boys/girls. The state government and the secondary and basic education department are committed for the all-round development of crores of students studying in secondary and basic schools of the state. In the field of sports, the players of that country increase the value of any country on the international stage and from this the place and health of sports in the education system of that country can also be assessed. School sports are not only a means for the students to gain international fame but are also essential for their health.

The concept of “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind” requires physical education as a compulsory subject in the curriculum of the students. About crores of students are studying in the schools of the state. Despite having such a strong strength, the absence of the name of the state in the top places in the medal table of school national competitions is a matter of concern. The status of school sports in the state can be further strengthened by upgrading the facilities being provided to the school students of the state in the field of sports. Through school sports, the performance of the students of the state will not only improve in national competitions, but the students of the state will also participate in world level competitions and bring laurels to the country and the state. Progress in the health status of crores of students will also be ensured through school sports.

Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Department is going to implement the Sports for School scheme to fulfill these objectives of crores of students studying in secondary and basic schools of Uttar Pradesh. Through which providing a sports environment to all the students of the state and providing world class facilities to excellent students and preparing them for national and international level competitions will be the main objective of the scheme. Through this scheme, an atmosphere of sports will be developed in the school, due to which along with progress in the health of the students of the state, their all-round development will also be possible.


Healthy, active lifestyle and participation opportunities for students, abundance of sports resources and culture in schools, international level performance by school students of the state by 2030.

Aims and Objectives

The main goal of Sports for School is to develop sports culture while strengthening the status of school sports in the state. So that apart from preparing crores of students of the state for national and international level competitions, their economic condition can also be strengthened through sports. All round development of the students is possible only through sports activities. In order to fulfill the goal of keeping all the students of the state physically and mentally healthy and strengthening the status of sports in the schools of the state, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

1. To upgrade the sports facilities of all the schools of the state.

2. Connecting students with physical activities and sports.

3. Selection of outstanding performers through various sports competitions.

4. To provide national and international level sports facilities to the selected players.